Market Research

Healthcare delivery is striving to improve quality by better defining and measuring patient satisfaction. So managing the patient experience is becoming increasingly important for healthcare providers. However understanding patient experience requires looking at a range of data point and and getting an integrated view of all these sources.
myPatientPulse is focused on addressing this need and providing a tool that makes this process easy and inexpensive.

Market Research

User Research

We conducted interviews with various healthcare providers to understand their patient satisfaction management process. We wanted to find out what providers were looking for when they wanted to know their patient experience and ways to optimize it.

User Research


The next step was some quick wire framing in balsamic to organize my thoughts. These wire frames were used to brainstorm ideas for features and content with my team.
The team comprised of 1 designer, 2 analysts and 3 engineers. I was involved in the designing and prototyping of the application.

Wireframing user flow

After some brainstorming and usability testing sessions we had narrowed down the most useful features. This helped us organize the content and work on the drilldowns.

Dashboard Wireframes

Dashboard Wireframes


Choosing the right colors!

Choosing the right colors

Font Sizes

The font sizes of the content in each "tile" of the application had to show the hierarchy and grouping of information. There were four types of size used in the entire application.

Creating heirarchy of information with font sizes


Sentiment Analysis of Patients' opinion from Social Media. Users can view their positive comments out of the total number of comments on their social media pages. They can also compare themselves to their peers by selecting peers that stack up in tiles on the right side of the page.

Sentiment Analysis of Patients' opinion from Social Media.


Patient's unstructred sentiments from internal surveys. Users can view their positive comments out of the total number of comments from their internal surveys. They also see a trend of these positive comments and how an event affected the patient satisfaction. Users will also get a beakdown of the sentiments and view the percentage of positive, negative and neutral comments.

Patient's unstructred sentiments from internal surveys.


Results from numerical surveys conducted by hospitals.

Sentiment Analysis of numerical surveys.